Campos Translation

Wearing Multiple Hats!

Recently I had the joy of wearing the literal hat of ‘Mother of the Bride’ – probably the fanciest hat I’ve ever worn! – and it got me thinking about all the other ‘hats’ I wear in my life.

A black and white image shows Rachel, the translator, dressed in a floral print dress and a fancy hat as Mother of the Bride, helping her daughter, who is wearing a wedding dress, to fasten her necklace.
My daughter and I on the morning of her wedding

There are multiple hats that I wear in my life – in my family, among my friends, and in my business.

There’s the charity worker hat, one I wore for a long time living in Brazil, working with disadvantaged children. I set up the Good Shepherd Project more than 25 years ago now, and still regularly do pro bono translation work for them as the main mediator between the charity in Brazil and its UK supporters.

There’s the doting grandma’s hat – or Vovo, as my grandson calls me – that I love to wear spending time with my family, whether that’s playing cars with the two-year-old, or changing nappies for the baby!

Of course there are also so many hats associated with my business. As a freelancer I’m a translator and wordsmith, and I also jump in on marketing, finance, administration, customer service, advertising… Wearing multiple hats keeps me busy, and I love the challenge it represents and the chance to hone my skills in all kinds of areas.

One of my favourite hats within my business is translating creative texts. I enjoy making them really work in English without losing any of the original flavour and meaning, to allow my clients to communicate fluently with a whole new audience!

Are you a small business owner with translation needs? Do you find yourself wearing multiple hats too, and would like to pass the ‘translator’ one over to me? Are you looking for any kind of translation from Spanish or Portuguese into English? Please contact me for a quote, I would love to work with you!

You can also find me on Instagram @CamposTranslationServices, on Facebook at Campos Translation, and on LinkedIn as Rachel Campos.

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